the death of Stefan killed me, I q my recovery to be slow and hard, but I liked that he died in the ...

Publicado en por yurly jazmin

the death of Stefan killed me, I q my recovery to be slow and hard, but I liked that he died in the hands of caroline, I would have liked but she was declared or something, but I liked it, I loved and destrullo me the part where bonnie sees it, that part was painful, I hope that in season 6 because without the aparesca is not the same, that of the sweet and romantic touch to the series, I would love to fall in love with the caroline , hopefully the producers reconsider, but has to return. I also like the vance (promo), where the story of stefan stay that bad, at least I would have liked to see the face or damon elena, but no way, I ajala leave us with open vocation in the next chapter.

Song- Follow Me: He'll come back right? - Damian

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